Lions in Lake Mburo National Park
Lions in Lake mburo national park has been a shocking news to hear in the park society because it is known as one of the parks in Uganda without lions and elephants and the evidence of all these words can also be seen since the park is an place where even the walking safaris can take place. The rapid growth of grasslands, forested gorges in the Savannah has also been a great evidence that lake mburo national park lacks elephants, but since lions can be understood as large and powerful animals of the cats family, that hunts in groups and lives in parts of Africa and south Asia. Lions have a yellowish – brown fur and the male has mane and that’s the long thick hair around its neck. Lions have been known to be extinct in Lake mburo national park but lions are slowly returning.
Lake mburo national parkwas once known as a great habitat for predators for example leopards and lions putting all that aside the area also had even man eaters which used to feed on large population of prey.
The region with its open plains and great landscapes for example acacia grasslands that attracted more cattle ranchers and herders. The land was free and open in around 1933 before it upgraded to a national park and due to this the friction between lions and people increased rapidly.
Lions in Lake mburo national park were spotted recently in Lake mburo national park but were eradicated from lake mburo national park in the south western part of Uganda some 20 years ago. Today lions are making a strong come back to lake mburo national park and about half a dozen sightings have been made in the recent years reports. This situation forced the African wildlife foundation’s technical adviser to come to the Uganda wildlife authority for community conservation to discuss more about the matter and find an early solution for it. In February 17, 2015, in ngarama found in isingiro district a case of lion escape was recorded and in this case it was noted that this lion intended to injure three people before raising a solution of firing the lion with bullets. More three immigrate lions were seen after twenty years but all of these lions are believed to have come from the virgin lands also nicknamed as whispers of the wild and this not being other than lake mburo national park.
Lions were mostly likely wiped out by the hunters and by cattle owners that used the land way back in 1933. These guys used different and tricky methods to kill these lions and in this they poisoned them because they used to kill their livestock. But still other predators such as leopards and hyenas were reduced in numbers, during the this period but not eradicated.
Lions are vulnerable to eradication and due to that the African wildlife foundation’s director of Africa operations known as Mark .R. Stanley price carried out an operation since lions are easy to detect and shoot or poison and also since lions are powerful and have a high profile of being the great carnivores because of its name of being the king of the jungle. But still also lions are capable of taking out large of live stocks making them more likely targets for retaliation than other predators.
Lions in Lake mburo national park, recently the lions that are being spotted at the park could be fugitives from Akagera national park which is approximately 65 miles away from the rapidly growing city of Rwanda and due to this, killing of wildlife has been greatly reported in Akagera. Since pastoralists and soldiers began entering lake mburo national park and all this happened during Rwanda’s civil conflict that took place in 1990s which made many lives of people and wildlife to be in danger and in order of these lions to survive, they had to run and save their lives. The lions infield, says that they were probably looking for a quiet area and stopped traveling when they stepped in lake mburo national park.
Since 1983 when the 250 square miles of lake mburo national park region was designated as protected area, changes came up at the park of and one of the mysterious changes, that affected people that lived in Lake mburo national park, was the decline of human use of the park that intend to reduce in size in a duration of ten years and the decrease was recorded as about 100 square miles. This has dropped significantly and this combined with its high prey population that may make it a conducive home for lions due to the great landscapes and the lakes that are surrounding the park. This provides the animals with the cool air and also the environment is good for the well being of wildlife of lions in lake mburo national park .
Lions reported that are expected to be in Lake mburo national park are extremely shy and quiet. Because of this it has taken long without knowing that they exist in the park and this also possibly has retained the lions from dangers of Akagera and are likely to be lying in the lowlands of lake mburo national park. Therefore the only key to conserve the lion population is only by protecting them away from danger and not hunt or to, kill them because you and me have a responsibility of preserving wildlife.