Boat Cruise in Lake Mburo National Park

Boat cruise

Boat Cruise in Lake Mburo National Park;

Boat Cruise in Lake Mburo National Park: Lake mburo national park is the smallest park of all Uganda’s Savannah national parks covering an area of 260 square kilometers. The park was originally Gazetted in 1933 as a controlled hunting area but later it upgraded to a game reserve in 1963 and now it is given an official name of lake mburo-Nakivali wetland system.

Boat cruise is commonly known as having a journey by means of a sea or lake, visiting different places, especially when going out for a holiday or vacation but since lake mburo national park is being surrounded but quite big and unique water systems, this has greatly imposed a great force to the existence of boat cruise in Lake mburo national park.

Lake mburo national park is the only park that has got a lake with in its premises. Because of the fact that the park has a water body, this has been a major factor contributing to the existence of the Boat Cruise activity. This activity has been an outstanding one in lake mburo national park compared to other national parks.

The Boat cruise is one of the most popular activities where travelers prefer to go by one of the fastest means and that is by motor boat. The travelers do not take long on the waters since the park has a program that it follows and it can not be broken by spending the all day on the beautiful natural looking waters of lake mburo national park.

Lake Mburo national park is one of the parks with aquatic wildlife. These aquatic animals keep the sights of the visitors shocked and filled with wonders as they traverse the lake on the boat cruise. Some of the animals that one should expect are the hippos which are mostly seen on the shores of the lakes. They give the visitors a great welcome and make the visitors wonder what the lakes hold for them because of the nice looking hippos on the shores that are seen sunbathing at the shores blended with the cool winds blowing to the animals. Some boat cruises are also meant for the fishers who love sport fishing.

There is also a great opportunity to see numerous species of birds for even keenest birder to identify all and its coupled with stunning scenery and panoramic landscape views that also keep the journey on the lake impressed and good and making those that fear the water be brave and not focusing on the journey but taken up the nature of the natural lakes and the cool winds blowing to them.

During this ride visitors get a great opportunity of seeing all different types of birds flying in the pure and clear skies that are blue. The environment is filled with the good sounds of the birds filling the all area of lake mburo national park. This sound of the bird is healthy and helps the mind of the visitors cool down and free the mind from the noise of the town.

Lake mburo national park has got good and big boats that can take a few number of tourists and these boats are in good working condition and managed by experienced drivers.

The guests coming for this activity are also requested to come early because they are very many people willing to be part of the activity and the boat has a maximum number of people it can carry at a single ride. This was done in order to prevent the cases of drowning on the lake due to excess people on the boat and also make the travelers enjoy the ride and fun on the cool blowing air of the lakes. Visitors flopping in for this activity are advised to be protected and given life jackets for free and given well experienced boat riders to take care of them during the long awesome journey on the innocent waters of lake mburo national park.

Visitors coming mainly for the boat cruise are warned not to complain if they are not allowed to go for the activity due to the weather especially during the rainy seasons where the lakes are not easily controlled. During this time the lakes are blown by the strong winds that can not favor this activity of boat cruise to take place. Boat cruising has made lake mburo national park a place that is filled with joy and happiness and all this resulting from nature but not science.  Nature speaks more than any other things on our mother planet the earth, let’s preserve it.

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